The Kittens and The Baby Chicks
There are many animals on the farm, including three baby chicks that are especially fun to play with. Their names are Theresa, Bonnie and Sandra. On a beautiful summer day, Mikey and Greta go to find their little friends to play but find the chicks’ mother squawking and fussing because the baby chicks have gone off without permission. Mikey and Greta head for the pond to find the chicks.
The Kittens and the Baby Chicks is a recipient of the prestigious Mom’s Choice Award

The Kittens and The Posssum
Mikey and Greta meet two new friends on this summer day, Oliver Possum and Ricky Raccoon. Both have their share of problems that Mikey and Greta help them with as they play, share stories and even help in a rescue of one of them.
The Kittens and the Possum is a recipient of the prestigious Purple Dragonfly and Mom’s Choice Award

The Kittens and The Rescue
It’s a warm summer day at Keller Farms. Mikey and Greta are playing when Ricky Raccoon comes running and yelling for help. They rush to see what is wrong when they find their new friend stranded on a branch in the middle of the pond. Find out which new friend never learned to swim and has to be rescued with the help from all.
The Kittens and the Rescue is a recipient of the prestigious Purple Dragonfly and Mom’s Choice Award

The Kittens' First Christmas
With all the excitement of Christmas Eve, and a beautiful tree that Mikey and Greta think is their own, the tiny kittens wake to find Santa in their house putting gifts around the tree. Their curiosity gets the best of them and they are accidentally scooped into Santa’s sack and taken for a magic sleigh ride.
The Kittens’ First Christmas is the recipient of the prestigious Purple Dragonfly Book Award.

The Kittens and The Baby Skunk
The Kittens and the Baby Skunk is a story of friendship, kindness, mother’s love and building self-confidence. Mikey and Greta are spending a beautiful Spring day playing with the baby the chicks when they meet an animal they have never seen before. A baby skunk. She is very friendly but hasn’t learned yet how to control her spray until it becomes necessary to use it and protect them all from danger.
The Kittens and The Baby Skunk is the recipient of the prestigious Purple Dragonfly Book Award.

The Kitten and The Butterfly
Two kittens at Keller Farms love to spend their time playing with butterflies, tree frogs and buggies. On this day, Mikey finds a yellow and black bug that he mistakenly thinks is a butterfly but is not. He learns a lesson about heeding the warnings from others.

The Kittens and The Easter Bunny
After a cold, wet winter, Spring was finally coming to Keller Farms. Mikey and Greta, the youngest and smallest kittens on the farm, venture into one of the fields to visit with a bunny they were watching. They learn this is no regular bunny but an Easter Bunny. Mikey and Greta are invited to visit a place where no kitten has ever been.
The Kittens and the Easter Bunny is a recipient of the prestigious Purple Dragonfly Book Award

The Kittens and The Pumpkin Patch
It’s fall and the leaves are turning and falling to the ground. It’s also Halloween. Mikey and Greta don’t heed the warnings from the older cats about the dangers and mysteries that surround the neighbor’s pumpkin patch. They venture beyond the fence lines to discover for themselves if the stories are true about ghosts, goblins and witches.
The Kittens and The Pumpkin Patch is a recipient of the prestigious Purple Dragonfly Book Award.

The Kittens and The Donkey
Our two youngest kittens, Mikey and Greta, break the rules and follow the older kittens across the road into a field of tall grass to play. When the wind direction changes, their sense of smell can no longer direct them home. They are lost, and, while on their adventure, they meet several new animals, including a Llama, a snake, and Sally the Donkey

The Kittens on The Barn Roof
Little kittens, whose lives are all play, follow the older kittens up a tree to the barn roof to play. Going up was easy but when it was time to come down, the tiny kittens see only a very steep descent to the ground with nothing but their tiny claws to hold on to the bark of the tree. Mommy cat comes to the rescue and helps her babies back to safety

The Kittens in The Kitchen
Mikey and Greta venture into the kitchen one afternoon while their human mommy is not watching. Their curiosity gets the best of them and they end up with more than just ‘egg on their faces.” This story was inspired by the twins, Tom and Dave from a real life story

The Kittens and The Chipmunks
The Kittens and the Chipmunks is a story of friendships, helping others and learning. Mikey and Greta, the tiniest kittens at Keller Farms, meet two new friends, twin chipmunks, Lily-Rose and Lucienne. They learn the importance of sharing, helping others and hard work.

The Kittens and The Baby Duck
It’s a warm summer day at Keller Farms as Mikey and Greta head out to play with their friends, the three baby chicks. They discover the baby chicks have a new friend that looks just like them but is different in certain ways. Their new friend teaches one of the kittens to swim that day. It’s a story of friendship, caring and learning self-confidence.